Charlie Brown’s™ Wind-Up

Min. grootte: 107 cm

Algemene Informatie

Charlie Brown winds up for the pitch while children take a spin on this kid-sized swing ride. Round and round you go as you soar higher and higher into the air. The two-and-a-half-minute ride begins when the free-hanging swings start turning and lifting. As the riders pick up speed the swings will slant, offering a soaring experience the kids will never forget! Float through the air in brightly colored swings on this classic amusement park ride. Be prepared to be elevated, rotated, and slanted around with your feet dangling happily in the air. Located in the center of Planet Snoopy, the ride’s 32 swings are free hanging and suspended from radial arms off a center pylon that controls the ride. Charlie Brown’s Wind Up is sure to be giant-sized fun for pint-sized guests! Guests must be 42" tall to ride. Maximum Weight ~ 340 lb. per sweep.
Image of this ride


Hier vind je alle informatie over deze attractie

Hoe lang moet ik zijn om in Charlie Brown’s™ Wind-Up te mogen?

Ben je langer dan 107cm? Dan mag je zonder begeleiding in Charlie Brown’s™ Wind-Up.

Waar staat de Charlie Brown’s™ Wind-Up?

Deze attractie, Charlie Brown’s™ Wind-Up, staat in Valley Fair. De attractie bevind zich in themadeel Rides Area 3.


Gemaakt met ❤️ door Tim -