
Min. grootte zonder begeleiding: 117 cm

Algemene Informatie

Throughout the ages, legends have been told of dark, dastardly creatures roaming the depths of the underworld -- sporting countless, gripping tentacles and harboring even more evil intentions. But they’ve never made it to land. Until now. Cedar Point’s Monster ride envelops guests in pods of fear and tosses them about on a wild, wicked course. Six tentacles each contain four pods of hapless riders that spin independently, spin together and spin along the base of the Monster -- all while tilting sideways and jostling its victims up and down. You might even catch a bit of weightlessness along the way, adding to the feeling of utter helplessness. The speed of this ride may seem a bit slow when you witness it from the ground, but don’t let that fool you; once you experience this beast, you’ll see that it’s packed with thrills and chills that will keep you coming back for more.
Image of this ride


Hier vind je alle informatie over deze attractie

Hoe lang moet ik zijn om in Monster te mogen?

Onder begeleiding mag iedereen, ongeacht hun lengte, in deze attractie Ben je langer dan 117cm? Dan mag je zonder begeleiding in Monster.

Waar staat de Monster?

Deze attractie, Monster, staat in Cedar Point. De attractie bevind zich in themadeel Zone 3 Rides.


Gemaakt met ❤️ door Tim -