Cedar Downs Racing Derby

Min. grootte: 122 cm

Algemene Informatie

And they’re off! Jockey for position in the most intense carousel race that you’ve ever been a part of, when you step foot on the Cedar Downs Racing Derby track. You’ve never rode a horse like this before. Guests will take turns galloping ahead of the pack on hand-carved horses in a ride that always keeps people on the edge of their saddles. Challenge your friends and family to experience the rush of a race, and choose your horse carefully because all 64 steeds are all sprinting neck-and-neck for victory. And as one of only two racing carousels in the United States, it’s an experience as rare as winning a Triple Crown. It’s a good thing this race is guaranteed to put smiles on faces because it always ends in a photo finish. Now get yourself to the starting gates and mount your steed because when the trumpet plays the race is on.
Image of this ride


Hier vind je alle informatie over deze attractie

Hoe lang moet ik zijn om in Cedar Downs Racing Derby te mogen?

Ben je langer dan 122cm? Dan mag je zonder begeleiding in Cedar Downs Racing Derby.

Waar staat de Cedar Downs Racing Derby?

Deze attractie, Cedar Downs Racing Derby, staat in Cedar Point. De attractie bevind zich in themadeel Zone 2 Rides.


Gemaakt met ❤️ door Tim - Arendz.nl