Mine Shaft

Min. tamaño: 107 cm

Informatción general

Have you ever been in a mine shaft? It’s a vertical hole that goes deep into the earth. And it’s dark. Like pitch-black, absolutely-no-light-anywhere, can’t-see-anything dark. Midnight dark. Combine the absolute darkness and a vertical drop with a water slide and what do you have? The Mine Shaft water slide at WildWater Adventure. you grab (or perhaps bribe) a couple of friends to board an inflatable raft with you, you’re involuntarily propelled into a cavernous, watery abyss with zero control over your direction, your spinning pattern or your rate of speed. You feel like you’re in this cavernous craziness for close to forever, even though it’s only a mere seconds. However, at the end is a calming, cooling curtain of water to soothe those nerves that just about lost it. Sound fun? Trust us when we say it’s packed with tons of mind-bending fun that you’ll want to tell everyone about. Height requirement: 42” in bare feet minimum
Image of this ride


Aquí encontrarás toda la información sobre esta atracción

¿Qué altura debo tener para ingresar Mine Shaft?

¿Eres más alto que 107cm? Entonces puedes ingresar Mine Shaft sin acompañante.

¿Dónde está el Mine Shaft?

Esta atracción, Mine Shaft, está ubicada en Michigans Adventure.


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