Wheel of Fortune

Min. size: 107 cm

General Information

Take a gamble and spin on this roulette-style classic ride. This circular ride raises to a tilted position while rotating backward. During the duration of the ride, the ride continually changes speeds, keeping riders on their toes. When the ride is changing in its wavelike manner, the riders will feel like the ride is not going that fast. However, when the ride is almost over, the person will feel forces on their body and get pushed toward the outside of the cars. The short lines on this ride make it a must for all who venture to Valleyfair. You don’t have to be a gambler to enjoy this chance of fates. Located next to Northwoods Grill, take a chance on this ride on your next visit! Must be 42” tall to ride alone OR be accompanied by a supervising companion. Handheld infants are not permitted.
Image of this ride


Here you will find all details regarding this ride

How long do I have to be to experience Wheel of Fortune?

If you're taller then 107cm you can enjoy this ride without supervision.

Where is Wheel of Fortune located?

This ride, Wheel of Fortune is located in Valley Fair. The attraction is located in the Rides Area 4 area of the park.


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