
Min. size: 122 cm

General Information

Strap in and brace yourself, because these steel tracks show no mercy. They’ll turn you up, down, around, inside out and back again. Unrelenting speeds and 360-loops are the twists you find on this coaster in the center of Valleyfair. Prepare yourself for weightlessness and rare views of the midway below as you experience three heart-pounding inversions. After exiting the station, Corkscrew climbs 85 feet in the air leading riders directly into a shocking drop followed by a vertical loop. But it doesn’t end there. There’s no time to catch your breath when the ride hits a double-corkscrew element. After exiting the second corkscrew, the ride races into an upward helix before finally returning back to the station. This orange coaster is hard to miss as it winds in and out of the park where onlookers will be sure to hear your screams. Do you have a screw loose? Or are you bold enough to brave these aerodynamics? Guests must be 48” tall to ride.
Image of this ride


Here you will find all details regarding this ride

How long do I have to be to experience Corkscrew?

If you're taller then 122cm you can enjoy this ride without supervision.

Where is Corkscrew located?

This ride, Corkscrew is located in Valley Fair. The attraction is located in the Rides Area 2 area of the park.


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