The Lighthouse

Good exercise for your leg muscles to see how high up you can get.

Min. size: 120 cm

General Information

Rasmus Klump's World is where you will find the world's first Rasmus Klump ride, the Lighthouse. The ride has six boats shaped like prehistoric animals, designed for children who like a bit of a thrill, but don't want it to get too wild.


Here you will find all details regarding this ride

How long do I have to be to experience The Lighthouse?

If you're taller then 120cm you can enjoy this ride without supervision.

Where is The Lighthouse located?

This ride, The Lighthouse is located in Tivoli.

How high is The Lighthouse?

The ride is 1.5 m meters high from the ground to the highest point of the ride.

Who built The Lighthouse?

The ride was built by Zamperla.

When was The Lighthouse built?

The attraction was built in 2010.


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