Wupi‘s Wabi Wipper

Mini free fall tower in Fantasy

Min. size without escort: 100 cm
Max. size: 145 cm

General Information

Even young thrill seekers can experience what it’s like to free-fall on the mini towers in Wuze Town kid’s zone. We tone things down slightly for our younger guests so they can enjoy a free fall, too.


Here you will find all details regarding this ride

How long do I have to be to experience Wupi‘s Wabi Wipper?

If you're taller then 100cm you can enjoy this ride without supervision. If you're taller then 145cm, you are not allowed to ride this ride.

Where is Wupi‘s Wabi Wipper located?

This ride, Wupi‘s Wabi Wipper is located in Phantasialand. The attraction is located in the FANTASY area of the park.


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