Epidemaïs Croisières

Min. size with escort: 50 cm
Min. size without escort: 120 cm

General Information

CRUISING SCHMOOZINGMoored in the ‘Welcome to Gaul' zone, Epidemaïs’s ships take you on a tour of the village to meet your favourite heroes. A gentle trip set to music that’s full of surprises. Up ahead there, isn’t that Cleopatra? During the Gallic Christmas period, the attraction closes its doors at nightfall. 


Here you will find all details regarding this ride

How long do I have to be to experience Epidemaïs Croisières?

If you are taller then 50cm you are allowed to to ride Epidemaïs Croisières. If you're taller then 120cm you can enjoy this ride without supervision.

Where is Epidemaïs Croisières located?

This ride, Epidemaïs Croisières is located in Parc Asterix.


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