American Elk

General Information

The elk is the second largest member of the deer family only a moose is bigger. A mature bull weighs 600-1,000 lbs., and cows weigh 400-600 lbs. The bull elk sheds and grows a new set of antlers every year. A set of antlers can weigh up to 40 pounds. Bugling marks the beginning of the fall rutting, or breeding season, and advertises the bull's fitness to cows and rival bulls. When visiting ZooAmerica in the fall, it's not unusual to hear the incredible sound of our bull when he bugles. If you visit in the winter, our elk are not minding the cold. While a summer coat has just one short, thin layer of hair, a winter coat has two layers thick, long guard hairs and a dense, wool undercoat. The inside of a guard hair looks like a honeycomb, providing insulation to keep them dry and warm.
Image of this animal


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