
Min. size without escort: 117 cm

General Information

If you like spinning then this traditional park ride is for you! Hold onto your lap bar and prepare for a whirling and twirling, spinning joyride. Spin around on a revolving platform that also moves up and down while your car pivots individually around the track. Tilt-A-Whirl offers a different and unique experience every time so you never know if you will spin a lot or a little. Try not to slide into your friends or family because this amusement park classic won’t ever let up the centrifugal force of a relentless spin. The original attraction opened in 1949 and began to show signs of wear and tear by the 2001 season. Instead of completely getting rid of the ride it was replaced by a newer version in 2002! Each car can hold three or four people so grab your friends and family and hold on tight on the Tilt-a-Whirl! Guests must be 46" tall to ride alone OR be accompanied by a Supervising Companion. Hand-held infants are not permitted.
Image of this ride


Here you will find all details regarding this ride

How long do I have to be to experience Tilt-a-Whirl?

Under the supervision of an adult, anyone, no matter their length, can experience this ride. If you're taller then 117cm you can enjoy this ride without supervision.

Where is Tilt-a-Whirl located?

This ride, Tilt-a-Whirl is located in Dorney Park.


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