Red Fox

General Information

The Red Fox is a cosmopolitan species whose distribution spans the entire Northern hemisphere. It can be found in our own back gardens as well as more extreme locations such as within the Arctic Circle and the deserts of Northern Africa. It has been introduced by humans to Australia where it is now considered a pest. This species is incredibly adaptable, thriving in a variety of habitats from urban and agricultural landscapes to dense forests and deserts. It can tolerate the wide temperature extremes of the North African coast and those of Baffin Island within the arctic circle. When it comes to diet, the Red Fox is an omnivore, eating items such as small mammals, insects, eggs and fruit. It also scavenges household waste in urban environments. If it is full, it will continue to hunt and will hide food for consumption at a later occasion. Our foxes are called Red and Roo - they can often be seen at the top of the rocks sleeping!


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