Thunder Canyon

Min. size: 117 cm

General Information

This attraction operates from late May through August 11 and is scheduled to open daily at noon. Closing time may vary. Whitewater rapids can be one of the most unpredictable forces of nature on our planet. And when you ride down Thunder Canyon, you’ll find yourself at the mercy of one seriously erratic river. Riders that sit in this large family-size raft shouldn’t even try to maneuver their way through. These fast moving waters have their own plan for its path. It’s driven goal: Get as many people wet as possible. It’ll push you up against a rock hoping the wave will overcome the side of the raft. It will send you through rapids, making the raft bob and weave. It will slide you under waterfalls, drenching the lucky ones who find themselves under its never-ending flow. Every turn made will create splashes and waves meant to drench you and everyone on the raft with you. This isn’t like any river you’ll find feeding Lake Erie. This is a river for those willing to take a splash. There’s no avoiding getting drenched!
Image of this ride


Here you will find all details regarding this ride

How long do I have to be to experience Thunder Canyon?

If you're taller then 117cm you can enjoy this ride without supervision.

Where is Thunder Canyon located?

This ride, Thunder Canyon is located in Cedar Point. The attraction is located in the Zone 4 Rides area of the park.


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