Linus’ Beetle Bugs

Min. size without escort: 117 cm

General Information

This attraction closes at 10:00 p.m. when park is open later than 10:00 p.m. Around and around and around we go! Step into Camp Snoopy and take a spin on Linus’ Beetle Bugs. It may be located in an area dedicated to kids, but don’t underestimate the amount of fun this ride can dish out. Since 1999, when it opened, it has been a full-sized fun machine bringing families and friends closer than ever. Expect to be slid very close to each other, because this spin is relentless. This fan favorite is an amusement park classic and gives smiles to everyone, no matter your age. Grab your family or friends and sit three or four across as your freely-spinning car whirls around the gradual hills of the platform. Up down and round, what could be more fun? Will your car spin fast or slow? No one knows! Every ride on Linus’ Beetle Bugs offers a different thrill, which is why our park goers are always coming back for more!
Image of this ride


Here you will find all details regarding this ride

How long do I have to be to experience Linus’ Beetle Bugs?

Under the supervision of an adult, anyone, no matter their length, can experience this ride. If you're taller then 117cm you can enjoy this ride without supervision.

Where is Linus’ Beetle Bugs located?

This ride, Linus’ Beetle Bugs is located in Cedar Point. The attraction is located in the Zone 3 Rides area of the park.


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