
Min. size: 137 cm

General Information

Riders will go for a wild spin on this giant swinging pendulum. With legs dangling, 40 riders facing outward rotate on a central pendulum and swing to a height of 120 feet (36.5M), even though the ride itself has a height of 75 feet (23 M), reaching a maximum arc angle of 120 degrees. This is one of the many great rides in the FAST LANE lineup. • Sits on the former site of Pharaoh’s Falls and later Racing Rivers, which was removed from the Park in 2002. • One of 4 Mondial flat rides in the Park. Guests must be 54" tall to ride.
Image of this ride


Here you will find all details regarding this ride

How long do I have to be to experience Psyclone?

If you're taller then 137cm you can enjoy this ride without supervision.

Where is Psyclone located?

This ride, Psyclone is located in Canada's Wonderland. The attraction is located in the Action Zone area of the park.


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