
Kus voor de prinses

Min. size with escort: 90 cm
Min. size without escort: 105 cm
Current wait: 5 min.

General Information

Is je kleintje een mini-durfal? Dan staat Kikker op hem of haar ongeduldig op te wachten. In deze kinderversie van de Screaming Eagle tilt de kikker de kids op. Daarna zakt de attractie opnieuw zachtjes, om nadien weer te stijgen. Kan Kikker uiteindelijk de prinses boven in de toren kussen?


Here you will find all details regarding this ride

How long do I have to be to experience Kikker?

If you are taller then 90cm you are allowed to to ride Kikker. If you're taller then 105cm you can enjoy this ride without supervision.

Where is Kikker located?

This ride, Kikker is located in Bellewaerde. The attraction is located in the KidsPark area of the park.

How high is Kikker?

The ride is 6 meters high from the ground to the highest point of the ride.

When was Kikker built?

The attraction was built in 2002.


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