The Mine

A fantastic journey through the land of the Grotes, guarded by the dragon, Mistress Mother-of-Pearl. Please note: The Mine's lasergame is out of order.

Mindestalter: 8 Jahre

Allgemeine Informationen

It's dark and clammy. But there is no going back. Your journey through the land of the Grotes has begun! Watch out for the dragon! Make sure you don't lean back on your journey through the Mine! You must take care not to get wet - and watch out for the dragon! It is not easy, because you’ll encounter curious creatures and glittering diamonds along the way too. So be ready for anything! Especially the detector, so you can score the most points.

Don't forget a big smile when you go down the Mine where a photo will be taken on this ride!
Save your memory from Mine by downloading your ride photo. 

Get access to unlimited ride photos, if you have the Tivoli app, created a "My Tivoli" profile and logged in before your ride. Read more. 

It is also possible to buy a printed ride photo:
Price: 1 x DKK 70, 2 x DKK 119.


Hier finden Sie alle Details zu dieser Fahrt

Wie alt muss ich sein, um The Mine zu erleben?

Ab 8 Jahren und älter dürfen Sie \The Mine ohne Aufsicht eines Erwachsenen erleben.

Wo befindet sich The Mine?

Diese Fahrt, The Mine befindet sich in Tivoli.

Wer hat The Mine gebaut?

Die Fahrt wurde von Mack gebaut.

Wann wurde The Mine gebaut?

Die Attraktion wurde 2003 gebaut.


Hergestellt mit ❤️ von Tim -