Laughing Kookaburra

Allgemeine Informationen

The laughing kookaburra is the largest member of the kingfisher family and was once called the giant kingfisher. Most kingfishers are brightly colored, and many specialize in diving into streams and ponds to catch fish. The laughing kookaburra, however, is plainly colored and rarely eats fish, going after large insects, small mammals, and reptiles instead. It may look fairly drab, but you won't think the laughing kookaburra is ordinary after it opens its beak! Known as the “bushman’s alarm clock” because of its loud call, this kookaburra vocalizes in its family group at dawn and dusk. The call sounds like a variety of trills, chortles, belly laughs, and hoots. It starts and ends with a low chuckle and has a shrieking “laugh” in the middle.


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