
Allgemeine Informationen

Nimble, quick, and sure-footed, the klipspringer springs from rock to rock in search of tasty browse. This type of dwarf antelope lives among rock formations in Africa called kopjes (pronounced ko-pea). Kopjes of the Serengeti are home to a wide variety of mammals, reptiles, birds, and invertebrates, providing refuge in these rocky islands in the savanna. Klipspringers fit right in, measuring only 2 feet at the shoulder and weighing 22 to 40 pounds. While they are fleet-footed, klipspringers also have a talent for standing stock-still for long periods of time. One of the klipspringer’s most notable characteristics are its hooves. Each is about the diameter of a dime, making it look like the little antelope is standing on tip-toe.


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