
Allgemeine Informationen

With horns like a wildebeest, a nose like a moose, and a body like a bison, the takin (rhymes with rockin') looks like a character from Dr. Seuss! This large, muscular, hoofed mammal is sometimes referred to as a goat antelope because it has things in common with both goats and antelope. But the takin is most closely related to sheep and the goat-like aoudad, or Barbary sheep, of North Africa. Because of their large, powerful bodies and impressive horns, takins have few natural enemies other than bears, wolves, leopards, and dholes. They are generally slow-moving but can react quickly if angered or frightened. When needed, takins can leap nimbly from rock to rock. If they sense danger, takins warn others with a loud "cough."


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