Rosy Boa

Allgemeine Informationen

The rosy boa is truly a member of the Boa family, however it doesnt reach the length of its cousins. It rarely reaches over 30 inches in length. When attacked by a predator, a rosy boa will roll up into a ball, with its head in the center. Its exposed blunt tail may act to divert a predator from attacking its head, which remains buried in its coils. It then releases a foul smelling musk from glands near the base of its tail. Another important defense mechanism is burrowing into the sand to avoid detection by predators. The rosy boa is truly a member of the Boa family, however it doesnt reach the length of its cousins. It rarely reaches over 30 inches in length.
Image of this animal


Hergestellt mit ❤️ von Tim -