Woodstock Whirlybirds

Min. Größe ohne Begleitung: 91 cm

Allgemeine Informationen

This big world has all types of bird nests. Nests that float on water, nests that are burrowed deep in the ground and nests that rest high up on cliffs or in trees. But none of them can compare to a particular type of zany nest that spins around and around in a circle until you can barely see straight. That’s exactly what all our feathered friends get with Woodstock Whirlybirds, a classic tea cup ride. Grab everyone in the family and hop into your own little nest built by Snoopy’s best bud Woodstock himself. Take hold of the rotating wheel and spin as fast or slow as you want; that determines just how mild or wild your ride is. While typical nests might be meant to nurture the young with food and shelter, the nests of Woodstock’s Whirlybirds are meant to nurture the young and young at heart with pure fun. Guests must be 36" tall to ride alone OR be accompanied by a Supervising Companion. Hand-held infants are not permitted. This ride only accommodates two adults per car.
Image of this ride


Hier finden Sie alle Details zu dieser Fahrt

Wie lange muss ich sein, um Woodstock Whirlybirds zu erleben?

Unter der Aufsicht eines Erwachsenen kann jeder, unabhängig von seiner Größe, diese Fahrt erleben. Wenn Sie größer als 91 cm sind, können Sie diese Fahrt ohne Aufsicht genießen.

Wo befindet sich Woodstock Whirlybirds?

Diese Fahrt, Woodstock Whirlybirds befindet sich in Dorney Park.


Hergestellt mit ❤️ von Tim - Arendz.nl