
Min. Größe ohne Begleitung: 117 cm

Allgemeine Informationen

Take a ride on the oldest attraction in the park! Opened in 1920, this old and classic American ride will “whip” you around 180-degree turns on an oval track. This ride is great for everyone in the family; Grandparents and children alike will find a thrill on this exciting park attraction. The Whip, which was manufactured in 1918, is one of two whip rides that are the oldest and still operate in the United States today. This traditional ride is hard to find and the opportunity to ride is truly a treat to experience. This ride is perfect for a simple yet exhilarating thrill that will surely bring a smile to the face of anyone who embarks on this attraction. The Whip has been a park favorite for generations. The screams and laughs brought on by the Whip are contagious so hold on tight, don’t let go and enjoy your experience on the Whip! Guests must be 46" tall to ride alone OR be accompanied by a Supervising Companion. Hand-held infants are not permitted.
Image of this ride


Hier finden Sie alle Details zu dieser Fahrt

Wie lange muss ich sein, um Whip zu erleben?

Unter der Aufsicht eines Erwachsenen kann jeder, unabhängig von seiner Größe, diese Fahrt erleben. Wenn Sie größer als 117 cm sind, können Sie diese Fahrt ohne Aufsicht genießen.

Wo befindet sich Whip?

Diese Fahrt, Whip befindet sich in Dorney Park.


Hergestellt mit ❤️ von Tim - Arendz.nl