
Mindestgröße: 122 cm

Allgemeine Informationen

This isn’t your ordinary swing set. This ride may start out at a slow pace, but eventually brave riders will experience gravity defying hang-time all while facing the riders surrounding on this powerful spinning ride. Revolution swings you and 31 other riders an astounding 65 feet in the air— 6 stories high! You’ll be flung 120 degrees in both directions, all while the eight-armed ring of seats constantly rotates, so you won’t know if you’ll be looking at the sky or the ground next. With its inward-facing inverted seating, riders can see the thrill in their fellow rider’s faces as they swing back and forth through the air. With a total of 32 seats this attraction is perfect for the whole family and all of your friends. Revolution’s combination of a swinging arm and rotating gondola creates the ultimate ride sensation. Do you think you can handle the topsy-turvy motion of Revolution?
Image of this ride


Hier finden Sie alle Details zu dieser Fahrt

Wie lange muss ich sein, um Revolution zu erleben?

Wenn Sie größer als 122 cm sind, können Sie diese Fahrt ohne Aufsicht genießen.

Wo befindet sich Revolution?

Diese Fahrt, Revolution befindet sich in Dorney Park.


Hergestellt mit ❤️ von Tim -