Flying Ace Balloon Race

Min. Größe ohne Begleitung: 107 cm

Allgemeine Informationen

Up, up and away! Adventurers worldwide love hot air balloons for their ability to let passengers soar and float high in the sky with the birds. At Dorney Park, we’ve got your ticket for a high-flying, hot air balloon adventure of your own! On our Flying Ace Balloon Race ride, young flyers can join Snoopy’s alter ego, the famous World War I Flying Ace, on a colorful, free-spirited chase across the sky. This adventurous ride is just about as close as you can get to the majestic feeling of riding in a hot air balloon, without actually stepping into a wicker basket and taking flight. Flying Ace Balloon Race will create fun memories for the whole family. Here’s a fun family idea from the World War I Flying Ace: Ask your children where they would want to go if they could take a real hot air balloon ride to anywhere! Guests must be 42" tall to ride alone OR be accompanied by a Supervising Companion. Hand-held infants are not permitted. This ride only accommodates two adults per balloon.
Image of this ride


Hier finden Sie alle Details zu dieser Fahrt

Wie lange muss ich sein, um Flying Ace Balloon Race zu erleben?

Unter der Aufsicht eines Erwachsenen kann jeder, unabhängig von seiner Größe, diese Fahrt erleben. Wenn Sie größer als 107 cm sind, können Sie diese Fahrt ohne Aufsicht genießen.

Wo befindet sich Flying Ace Balloon Race?

Diese Fahrt, Flying Ace Balloon Race befindet sich in Dorney Park.


Hergestellt mit ❤️ von Tim -