
Allgemeine Informationen

Different species of penguin have been housed at Chessington Zoo in this same location for many years, early records suggest penguins were at the zoo since 1936. A notable individual who we have records of is Rocky who was a Rockhopper Penguin, he would go for walks around the zoo every morning with his keeper, Tony Phelps – this image was taken on the 12th December 1968. 2 of the Rockhopper penguins were taken on a day trip to Streatham ice rink in 1967 as their keepers were concerned about them in the summer sun. They shared the rink with skaters and were unphased by the experience. The staff at the ice rink extended the invitation to the zoo’s other penguins due to them being so well behaved.


Hergestellt mit ❤️ von Tim -