Black Crowned Crane

Allgemeine Informationen

The black crowned crane is found across sub-Saharan Africa in open wetlands and marshlands. It is identifiable by the distinctive golden crest on its head. It is an omnivorous bird, feeding on fruit, seeds, small reptiles and invertebrates. As an adult it has few predators, however, chicks are predated by wild dogs and cats. Classed as a Vulnerable species, the cause of its decline is mainly habitat loss and destruction. Much of the wetlands that have historically been the home of crowned cranes have been converted for agricultural use. The black crowned crane is a monogamous species, forming a pair for life. To attract a mate, it dances by bowing, running and flapping it's wings. The black crowned crane is the national bird of Nigeria. It's also protected by farmers in Kenya as it is helpful in controlling livestock pests.


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