
Mindestgröße: 137 cm

Allgemeine Informationen

Picture this: You’re walking through a field when a bird of prey dives from the heavens, snatches you up and then proceeds to take you on a terrifying journey to wherever it pleases. That’s how riders will feel while on Raptor, as their feet dangle through 3,790 feet of track filled with a 100-foot vertical loop, two inverted corkscrews, a zero gravity roll and the world’s first ever cobra roll. We’re out of breath just listing it all off. Flying at speeds of 57 m.p.h., riders bob and weave through the sky and are never ready for what’s coming next. Although it’s been joined by other high flying birds since its opening in 1994, it’s still staking claim in the air and protecting its hunting grounds down below. The 2 minute and 16 second flight will remind anyone why it’s the top of the food chain. This is one unforgiving apex predator, so be ready to catch some serious air when Raptor catches you.
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Hier finden Sie alle Details zu dieser Fahrt

Wie lange muss ich sein, um Raptor zu erleben?

Wenn Sie größer als 137 cm sind, können Sie diese Fahrt ohne Aufsicht genießen.

Wo befindet sich Raptor?

Diese Fahrt, Raptor befindet sich in Cedar Point. Die Attraktion befindet sich im Zone 1 Rides Bereich des Parks.


Hergestellt mit ❤️ von Tim - Arendz.nl