
Mindestgröße: 99 cm
Max. Größe: 137 cm

Allgemeine Informationen

This attraction closes at 10:00 p.m. when park is open later than 10:00 p.m. It’s nothing but vroom vroom as your kids embrace their wild side. Encourage them to grab life by the handlebars and watch as they ditch the training wheels. Their balance skills need not matter on these motorcycles. Once these little riders feel the thrill of the open road, there’s no turning back. Soon they will think they are the big dogs on the roads, even if they are years from getting a license. These motorcycles speed up and have no intention of slowing down. Taking daring turns at every possible second, these shiny single seaters are perfect for the bold and independent. Send the whole group on the road, and you may have the youngest biker crew ever on your hands. There’s nothing but fun in store for our little adventure seekers. Your kids will have the ride of their life. After all, everyone loves that feeling of wind in their hair!
Image of this ride


Hier finden Sie alle Details zu dieser Fahrt

Wie lange muss ich sein, um Motorcycles zu erleben?

Wenn Sie größer als 99 cm sind, können Sie diese Fahrt ohne Aufsicht genießen. Wenn Sie größer als 137 cm sind, dürfen Sie diese Fahrt nicht fahren.

Wo befindet sich Motorcycles?

Diese Fahrt, Motorcycles befindet sich in Cedar Point. Die Attraktion befindet sich im Zone 1 Rides Bereich des Parks.


Hergestellt mit ❤️ von Tim -