
Legendary high-speed steel coaster.

Min. Größe mit Begleitung: 137 cm
Aktuelle Wartezeit: 5 Min.

Allgemeine Informationen

Named for the distant roar of the king of the jungle, see why this legendary roller coaster still reigns on so many lists of favorites. After the thrill of an initial 135 foot drop, you will plunge into a diving loop, feel a full 3 seconds of absolute weightlessness while spiraling 360 degrees! Touting one of the world's largest vertical loops, enthusiasts have consistently voted Kumba®, one of the world's best roller coasters! It is said that if you can hear the roar of a lion in the distance, you have crossed into his territory. The natives call this roar the Kumba, and you'll feel his breath on the back of your neck from the moment you step aboard the mighty roller coaster that earned his name.
Image of this ride


Hier finden Sie alle Details zu dieser Fahrt

Wie lange muss ich sein, um Kumba zu erleben?

Wenn Sie größer als 137 cm sind, dürfen Sie \Kumba fahren.

Wo befindet sich Kumba?

Diese Fahrt, Kumba befindet sich in Bush Gardens Tampa Bay.


Hergestellt mit ❤️ von Tim - Arendz.nl