World's Greatest Funnel Cakes

General Information

A trip to a theme park wouldn’t be complete without a funnel cake, right? Better yet, it wouldn’t be complete without a funnel cake from World’s Greatest Funnel Cake! Located on International Street just across from Cinnabon, you will find one of our two funnel cake locations where you can find delicious funnel cakes and add toppings including strawberry glaze and drizzled chocolate sauce. Along with funnel cakes, you can also find ice cream and Coca-Cola beverages here to satisfy your sweet tooth. At World’s Greatest Funnel Cake, you can find our exclusive seven-pound funnel cake topped with chocolate drizzle, strawberries, whipped cream and sprinkles. This infamous funnel cake makes for the perfect snack to share with your friends and family while taking in the sights and sounds of International Street. Located on International Street across from Cinnabon.
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